2017/06/02Sport for Tomorrowコンソーシアムに入会しました
SPORT FOR TOMORROWは、2020年に行われる夏季オリンピック・パラリンピック競技大会を東京に招致する際、IOC総会において安倍晋三首相が発表したことをきかっけに始まった日本政府が推進するスポーツを通じた国際貢献事業です。
Sport for Tomorrow is a programme which the Government of Japan promotes to contribute to the international community through sport. The programme was announced by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the IOC Session on the occasion of Tokyo making a bid for 2020 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The programme aims at sharing the values of
sport with more than 10 million people of all generations in over 100
countries, including developing countries, in the
course of seven years between 2014 and 2020.